floor 993 m2
car spaces 50 Parkeerplaatsen
PRIME OFFICES IN A BEAUTIFUL BUSINESS PARK WITH GREAT VIEWS This new development is situated on a portion of the D'Aria Wine Estate adjacent to the existing Vineyards Office Estate. The park has got good exposure onto Jip De Jager drive and is in close proximity to the N1 motorway. Nearby retail amenities include Tyger Valley shopping centre and Willowbridge. This ground-floor office that is available to purchase is 993m2 at US$ 2,351,856.26 which includes basement and open parking bays. There is storeroom space as well as a patio also included in the price. I have three other offices for sale with sizes of; 203, 265 and another size of 993m2 on the first-floor. Please contact me for more information or to arrange for a viewing.
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7530 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

De Bron, Bellville Bellville: A Place of Convenience Bellville is an established commercial hub located in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Should you decide to move your office here, you can rest assured that convenience is key. This is particularly true in its central location - easily accessible from both the N1 highway and the R300, which link up to the N2. It is also a mere 10km from Cape Town International Airport.

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