floor 316 m2
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY, SANDTON This building is located in Chistlehurston, with easy access to the Gautrain and Sandton City. The property has a well maintained garden that is added to the great impression of this property. There is ample parking space with open and covered parking bays. The office units are complete with balconies, with independent kitchen and toilet areas. The building is surrounded by oak trees giving the building a peaceful atmosphere. It is within close proximity to the Gautrain station with access off Rivonia road. The building features; 24 hour security, a generator, wheel chair access. It is This is an ideal location and is close to Sandton City, the Sandton Convention Centre and exclusive hotels and is easily accessible to the highway.There is a 5 year lease with current tenant.
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2196 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

Sandton is home to the wealthiest square mile on the entire African continent. In 1969 it was formerly an independent town, however, today it falls within the mandate of the Johannesburg Municipality within the Gauteng province. The name is derived from two of the suburban areas within close proximity to each other, Sandown and Bryanston.

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