floor 3351 m2
car spaces 157 Pkw-Stellplätze
This prestigious state of the-art office building is very prominently located on two of the major arterial roads in the Bryanston commercial node. Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Ferrari and Jindal seem to be leading the move of big international corporates into Bryanston. This movement is probably because the Bryanston node currently has all the lifestyle (restaurants, markets, gymnasiums etc) and shopping centre facilities to support an upmarket office node. In addition, Bryanston offers quicker access to the N1 highway system and does not suffer from the extreme congestion currently being experienced in the Sandton Central Business District. The building has 3 351 m2 of premium grade office accommodation with high quality specifications and finishes, state-of-the-art facilities and excellent accessibility. As a top quality modern office building it is a pace setter in establishing premium grade rental levels in Bryanston and combines the latest building services with ample parking at a superb location. The 3 351 m2 of building consists of a central core with two rectangular floor plates on either side. So simple and space efficient is the layout that effectively this facility could house a business normally requiring up to 4000 m2 of floor space. In addition to the office space there is also 971 m2 of supplementary space comprising balconies and storage areas. Ample parking (157 bays) is provided mainly by way of two levels of basement parking to give a parking ratio of 5.2 bays per 100 m2. Extras: Ground floor balcony of 401m2 and two roof top covered entertainers balconies totaling 546m2. Stores 23m2
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2191 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

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