floor 1975 m2
A PRIME INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX FOR SALE IN MONTAGUE GARDENS A prime commercial and industrial business park for sale in Montague Gardens. The park is ideally situated in Station road facing directly onto Bosmansdam road with excellent exposure and easy access. The property has great highway access onto the N1 and N7. The total Erf of 5400sqm includes 6 X 100sqm mini industrial units, a 1375sqm double storey office building, 1200sqm of yard as well as 40 parking bays. There is an opportunity of 2768sqm of footprint to develop with a bulk factor of 1.5 giving a potential total of 4172sqm.
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God Postroyki:




7441 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

Century City is a prime mixed-use development situated on the outskirts of the greater Cape Town area in the Western Cape of South Africa. This prestigious location is where one can shop, utilize office space or find a world of entertainment. The development started in 1997 under MONEX and is an ongoing enterprise under the guidance of Rabie Property Group.



Site Plan_A3.pdf

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