floor 1623 m2
Corwells Commercial Property are pleased to offer for sale, 2-6 Prospect Place, Berrinba. The property features: - 1,623sqm warehouse/office - 2,981sqm parcel of land - Located just off the recently upgraded Logan Motorway - Brand new 3 year lease with options with well established local business - Current nett rent of $185,000.00 plus GST - Bonus 30kw solar system in place - First time on the market in 10 years - Present all offers - Contact Exclusive Agent to arrange an inspection Berrinba is an exciting new commercial and industrial precinct located 20kms south of the Brisbane Central Business District. Conveniently positioned on the Logan Motorway this location provides good access in all directions. Berrinba sits between Browns Plains and Logan Central, both of which have established business centres and there is a large labour supply in the area.
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God Postroyki:




4117 Prospect Place Queensland Berrinba 2-6 Australia

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