floor 2826 m2
- 2,826sqm* of warehouse on a 5,975sqm site - Including large corporate office spanning over two levels - Ability to retrofit upstairs caretakers unit - Ample hardstand area with drive around capabilities - Zoned Medium Impact Industry - Motivated owner with realistic expectations Arundel is renowned as a commercial, industrial and retail hub situated at the northern end of the Gold Coast. The precinct has undergone substantial growth as there has been an emphasis to move to the area to directly service surrounding suburbs and markets. Properties within the area are becoming tightly held, driven by a high demand and a shortage of land available. The area is accessed via major arterial roads leading to and from the M1 Motorway. *area subject to approval
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God Postroyki:




4214 Queensland Arundel Australia

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Ofitsial'noye Uvedomleniye