Tanjong Pagar Singapore SG Toon kaart


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Tanjong Pagar Tanjong Pagar Singapore Singapore

Tanjong Pagar is leading the transformation of one of the most exciting government land redevelopment projects in Singapore to date, which will see a seamless extension of the existing CBD to form a new waterfront city. At its prime location in the district, Tanjong Pagar Centre is poised to become the gateway to this waterfront city and the exhilarating new live-work-play opportunities to come. Life at Wallich Residence blends the buzz of the CBD with Tanjong Pagar’s thriving residential community, where you can experience the heritage sights of Chinatown alongside the lively dining and entertainment scene at Ann Siang Hill, Club Street, Tras Street and Duxton Hill. Branding itself a prime investment destination for those looking into the Asian Pacific market, Singapore lives up to its name as the global financial hub of the region. Aside from that, this bustling metropolis is deemed a comfortable and safe home for Singaporeans. Those residing in this vibrant city will enjoy its high quality of life, optimum business environment and unique culture. Within this highly-developed nation, Wallich Residence is, in fact, located in a thriving and rapidly-growing district, Tanjong Pagar. Located within the Central Business District, Wallich Residence stands among the hustle and bustle of countless business activities. It also houses an eclectic mix of cultural relics like shop-houses and temples, injecting a hint of nostalgia to the otherwise-contemporary setting. All in all, the CBD is a well-consolidated avenue for financial and leisure activities. Some government land redevelopment plans that are underway, serve to extend the existing CBD to form a waterfront city. Tanjong Pagar, and hence, Wallich Residence will be in the heart of all that exciting transformation.




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