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USD 1 471.68 Info
Original price: USD 1471.68
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floor 163 m2
floors 3 Vloeren
land area 163 m2
car spaces 6 Parkeerplaatsen

Welcome to Sovereign Quay, a well-known building in the center of Cape Town City Center that presents a fantastic opportunity for companies looking for a Prime Location. This striking structure, which has three levels of office space and ground-floor retail stores, has recently received significant internal and external renovations to improve both its appearance and usefulness.Tenants and guests can enjoy a safe and secure environment at Sovereign Quay thanks to its outstanding emphasis on security and contemporary conveniences. Peace of mind is ensured with CCTV monitoring, biometric access control systems, and round-the-clock security surveillance. The building also has fiber optics installed, which provides high-speed internet access and facilitates smooth communication and increased productivity.Emergency backup power has been installed to common areas at Sovereign Quay as part of recent modifications, guaranteeing continuous operations even in the event of a power loss. This feature gives the property an additional degree of dependability and convenience. Tenants and their clients can find plenty of on-site parking to suit their needs, including covered, open, shaded, and basement parking spots.Sovereign Quay's convenient location close to Somerset Road and Helen Suzman Boulevard makes it simple to get to and from the building via major transportation links. Its prime position next to well-known sites like the V&A Waterfront and Green Point Stadium further increases its allure and improves the experience for both tenants and guests.Sovereign Quay takes great satisfaction in offering a cozy and immaculate workspace. Every floor/unit has been meticulously furnished with restrooms, which are conveniently accessible through stairwells and elevators, guaranteeing everyone's comfort and accessibility. With its outstanding location, modern amenities, state-of-the-art security systems, and recent upgrades, Sovereign Quay is a great option for companies looking for a prominent address in Cape Town City Center. Please do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a visit or for more comprehensive information. We can't wait to help you discover all of the opportunities that Sovereign Quay has to offer.

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8001 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

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