Cape Town ZA Show map


USD 5 051.00 Info
Original price: USD 5051.00
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floor 383 m2
Completed in May 2014, Portside has become the crown jewel amongst Cape Town's collection of skyscrapers. Reaching a height of 32 floors, it has not only become the tallest tower in the city, but also the largest single office development undertaken in the CBD to date. It has brought over 50 000 square metres of P-Grade (Prime-Grade) office space onto the local market, half of which is being occupied by national banking giant FNB and its various subsidiaries. Designed by dhk Architects in conjunction with Louis Karol Architects, it boasts a beautiful blue glass façade which is both modern and timeless. It truly stands out on the city's skyline. The developers are also proud to have achieved the first 5 star Green Star rating for a tall building in South Africa, making it the country's greenest office tower. Various environmentally-friendly design interventions include natural rain water collection, natural ventilation, motion-sensing lights, electric car parking bays and charging points, bicycle lock up/shower facilities and much more. Portside has truly set a new precedent for the city and country as a whole. The tower is conveniently situated on the corner of Buitengracht Street and Hans Strijdom Avenue. There, it is easily accessible from the N1/N2 foreshore freeways, which are the main arterial routes into the city. This also provides tenants with excellent exposure to countless passing motorists on a daily basis. At such an enviable location, the views from Portside are simply breathtaking, with uninterruped sightlines over Table Bay, Green Point, the central business district and Table Mountain. On the ground floor, office tenants can enjoy a range of retail stores, including the Hard Pressed Cafe, Vida e Caffe, Active Sushi, Kauai, a spa and other cafe/restaurant options. If you need to get somewhere else, Portside is also located within close proximity of almost all of the city's major facilities. The Cape Town International Convention Centre is a 5 minute walk away, as are dedicated MyCiTi stations, hotels, other retail options and more. The V&A Waterfront is less than a 5 minute drive away too.
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8000 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

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