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USD 4 096 200.00 Info
Original price: USD 4096200.00
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floor 7122 m2
This is an exceptional warehouse with extra height, multiple roller shutter doors for receiving and dispatch, raised loading bays, sprinkler system and racking included. The large paved yard is designed for easy traffic flow. The office component with its modern design and finishes welcomes visitors and staff alike. It consists of a striking reception area, well designed open plan areas, closed offices, boardrooms, large kitchen facility, ablutions and balconies. These premises are situated within the Highway Business Park with excellent security and access control. It is within close proximity to CTM, WeBuyCars, Samrand Road and the N1 Highway.
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0200 Gauteng Akasia South Africa

Centurion at a glance Centurion formerly known as Verwoerdburg is a town situated between Johannesburg and the Midrand of the Gauteng province in the high veld region of South Africa. It falls within the jurisdiction of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (Pretoria). The Sterkfontein Caves which are located only 50km from Centurion are believed to have fossils from two to three million years ago and are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s also home to SuperSport Park one of the country’s leading cricket stadiums. Industrial Hotspots Centurion’s location to various industrial hotspots within the Gauteng Province makes it an extremely prominent area for commerce. Some of the leading industrial areas include the Gateway Industrial Park where there is a heavy focus on engineering. There are often developments and retail space available there for various types of industries and commerce. Industrial/Business Developments and Parks A key development which is currently awaiting budget approval is the Centurion Aerospace Village which is believed to add invaluable credibility to the area in terms of industry and commerce. “With the advances in things like composites, titanium and other lightweight components and artificial intelligence, we have extended the mandate to afford high-tech advanced manufacturing companies to also co-locate into the CAV (Centurion Aerospace Village)” – Lance Schultz chief executive of CAV. Infrastructure/Roadways Modern Centurion boasts world-class infrastructure from golf courses, hotels such as the sought-after Irene Country Lodge as well as quainter bed and breakfasts. Centurion is home to the biggest private hospital in Africa which forms a part of the popular private healthcare group Netcare. Other industries which have branches in Centurion include Aerosud, Accenture, Denel Dynamics, Siemens, SAAB Grintek Technologies and Telkom. The main road that connects Centurion with the rest of the country is the N1.

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