370 Main Road Sandton ZA Show map


USD 4 398.67 Info
Original price: USD 4398.67
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floor 432 m2
floors 1 Etagen
land area 1322 m2
car spaces 8 Pkw-Stellplätze

The Crossing is a beautiful triple-A building that has been awarded the Green Star rating. It also has great security and a backup generator that will keep you online during power outages and load shedding. It's in a good spot, just off of Bryanston's Main Road, not far from Nicolway Shopping Center, across the street from the Posthouse Link Center, and not far from Hobart Grove.

The room for rent is on the first floor, and most of it has full-length windows that let in a lot of natural light.

When you walk into the office, there is a lovely waiting area and reception area. As you walk through the space, there is a big boardroom on the right and a more casual meeting room on the left that leads to a small balcony. There are cellular offices set up around the central open plan area as you move through the space. Along with the rooms, there are also smaller phone booths that are great for a quick virtual meeting. There is a great break room and bar in the back of the office. This is a great place to grab a quick lunch or coffee during the workday.

Contact us today for more information or schedule  a viewing.

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