Playa Blanca PA Pokazat' kartu


USD 325 000.00 Info
Original price: 325000.00 USD
Tseny, ukazannyye zdes', osnovany na obmennykh kursakh. Obmennyye kursy osnovany na razlichnykh obshchedostupnykh istochnikakh, prednaznacheny tol'ko dlya informatsionnykh tseley i ne schitayutsya pravil'nymi.
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Provincia de Colón Playa Blanca Panama

This townhouse is located at the Royal Decameron Golf, Beach Resort and Villas, Playa Blanca, Panama. The Royal Decameron Resort is on the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to the new Scarlett Martinez International Airport and about a one and a half hour drive from Panama City on the Trans American Highway. This area is famous for its microclimate, providing more sunny days than the rest of Panama. The ocean, mountains and other scenic features make this a unique location. Property owners have an area of the beach for their exclusive use, as well as a beautiful large swimming pool. They also enjoy use of the Beach Club and Restaurant. All areas are surrounded by stunningly landscaped grounds. Any or all of the bedrooms and suite may be rented out through the rental program at the resort, or through property management companies or privately for income / investment purposes. The resort has many amenities available to property owners for a modest fee, including tennis courts, a spa, and a gym. A medical facility, car rental agency and police station are also on site or adjacent to the property. Passes to the resort may be purchased at special rates by owners allowing complete access to the all-inclusive resort, including facilities and activities. The townhouse is move-in ready. All furniture is included with the townhouse. Property tax exempt until 2029. Three golf memberships to the 18 hole, par 72 Mantarraya Golf Club are also included with this townhouse

Eto reklama nedvizhimosti, opublikovannaya i podderzhivayemaya Uncover Panama i ne yavlyayetsya obyazatel'noy informatsiyey dlya etogo svoystva. Khotya my trebuyem ot reklamodateley predostavleniya tochnoy informatsii, my mozhem publikovat' eti reklamnyye ob"yavleniya tol'ko dobrosovestno i ne proveryali kakiye-libo pretenzii ili utverzhdeniya ili ne proveryali reklamiruyemyye ob"yekty, mesta ili predlozheniya. Primemasters ne vladeyet, ne kontroliruyet i ne neset otvetstvennosti za nedvizhimost', oborudovaniye, kontent sayta, produkty ili uslugi, predostavlyayemyye ili reklamiruyemyye tret'imi litsami, i ne dayet nikakikh garantiy ili zayavleniy otnositel'no tochnosti, polnoty, zakonnosti, proizvoditel'nosti ili prigodnosti lyubogo iz vyshe. Poetomu my ne nesem otvetstvennosti za doveriye, okazannoye nam chitatelyami ili litsami, kotorym byla predostavlena ​​takaya informatsiya. Vy dolzhny provesti sobstvennoye issledovaniye i poluchit' nezavisimyy professional'nyy sovet, prezhde chem prinimat' kakoye-libo resheniye o pokupke, arende ili investirovanii v nedvizhimost'.

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