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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Four Bedrooms with En Suite Bathrooms Georgian Estate situated in a popular safe neighborhood in Bryanston.
Situated on 0.5 acres is this magnificent work of art. A spacious parking area serves your guests and leads to the impressively designed entryway. The spacious covered patio, perfect for entertaining, flows from the reception area and offers a view of the well-kept pool and beautiful garden.
The champagne bar, reception areas, and gentleman's study all have high-quality wall units built. An enormous island, built-in appliances, and a separate scullery are features of an open-plan gourmet kitchen.
A roomy PJ lounge or library upstairs leads to four opulent ensuite bedrooms. There is a spacious dressing area and an opulent bathroom in the main suite.
Triple garage. Luxury staff accommodation. Many more features to view.
Great flow
Quality luxury finishes
Built by sought-after builder, renowned for quality workmanship.
Sought-after location.
Quick access to Sandton CBD, Country club, St Stithians, Brecia and Bryandale schools
Eto reklama nedvizhimosti, opublikovannaya i podderzhivayemaya Firzt Realty i ne yavlyayetsya obyazatel'noy informatsiyey dlya etogo svoystva. Khotya my trebuyem ot reklamodateley predostavleniya tochnoy informatsii, my mozhem publikovat' eti reklamnyye ob"yavleniya tol'ko dobrosovestno i ne proveryali kakiye-libo pretenzii ili utverzhdeniya ili ne proveryali reklamiruyemyye ob"yekty, mesta ili predlozheniya. Primemasters ne vladeyet, ne kontroliruyet i ne neset otvetstvennosti za nedvizhimost', oborudovaniye, kontent sayta, produkty ili uslugi, predostavlyayemyye ili reklamiruyemyye tret'imi litsami, i ne dayet nikakikh garantiy ili zayavleniy otnositel'no tochnosti, polnoty, zakonnosti, proizvoditel'nosti ili prigodnosti lyubogo iz vyshe. Poetomu my ne nesem otvetstvennosti za doveriye, okazannoye nam chitatelyami ili litsami, kotorym byla predostavlena takaya informatsiya. Vy dolzhny provesti sobstvennoye issledovaniye i poluchit' nezavisimyy professional'nyy sovet, prezhde chem prinimat' kakoye-libo resheniye o pokupke, arende ili investirovanii v nedvizhimost'.