Calle Coronado La Chorrera PA Pokazat' kartu


USD 235 000.00 Info
Original price: 235000.00 USD
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Calle Coronado Panamá La Chorrera Panama

“Coronado Golf” A Bern Project completed in 2011. Coronado Golf is in the established Community of Coronado Golf and Beach Resort and on the 10th fairway of the Tom Fazio 18 Hole Golf Course in Panama. Located approximately one hour from Panama City, this Bern Golf Project has stunning panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean from Punta Chame to Punta Barco and beyond, there are also views of the beautiful mountains to the interior. There are 31 floors of apartments in this building with four high speed elevators to whisk you up to your condo and underground parking for your convenience. You will also enjoy 3 levels of the rooftop pool, social area plus plunge pools from an amazing view! A game room, gym and sauna are included for your use. On the ground level, you will find a newly constructed in-ground pool with loungers, tables and chairs. There is also a large social area, children’s pool and playground area, and several Bahio’s providing a hammock for relaxing and shade from the hot Panama sun. Coronado Golf Tower is approximately 2 miles from the entrance of Coronado off the Pan American Highway where you can find 3 malls, 4 major supermarkets, a variety of restaurants and lovely shops in this rapidly growing community.

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