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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Ideally located near the Riverside shopping center, this distinctive, classic, and magnificent property exudes luxury, comfort, and peace.
The majority of the rooms have outside access. Main door, entry hall, guest coat room, and storage area.
The guest suite below has an outdoor patio with an opening, as does the TV room with an outdoor fireplace. Outside lounge opening. The carpeted gentleman's study opens to the outside.
Wet bar with tiled outdoor entrance and guest toilet. The dining room opens out to the pool area through a service window that faces the kitchen.
Features of the kitchen include a large gas stove and oven, a pantry, a built-in Miele refrigerator and freezer, and a wine cellar.
huge marble staircase leading to the Main Entrance and the entry halls. A stairway that goes upstairs to bedrooms, lounges, a kitchen, a gym, and a sauna that opens to a swimming pool and fountains outside.
Accommodations upstairs: Large dressing area and luxury bathroom with access to the balcony from the main en suite. The lounge with fireplace and the third en suite each have balconies that overlook the Sandton skyline. Bedroom #4 with en suite.
Ladies lounge and kitchenette upstairs that opens to a view-oriented balcony.
Fifth en suite bedroom with access to a west-facing terrace with a view of the pool and palm trees.
lounge in pajamas with fireplace.
6 en suite bedroom with a balcony access.
Possibility of building a rooftop patio to take in the Sandton skyline. Braai area.
4 automobiles can fit in the garage (two in tandem). serves as a soundproof studio at the moment.
12 vehicle carport Staff suite with two rooms.
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