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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Nestled in the safe community of Sandton Country Club, this house perfectly catches the South African weather. An spacious and light-filled home ideal for a family seeking the security of estate living.
Years of laughter and memories are created in the open-concept kitchen and dining room. There are two lounges that open into a covered patio space featuring an integrated bar. The garden's water feature provides the ideal backdrop for taking in a Johannesburg sunset.
Conveniently, there's an en suite bedroom downstairs. Below, a guest restroom is the ideal place for amusement.
The magnificent central skylight, which connects the downstairs and upstairs, floods the entire house with sunlight.
Three wonderful bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and a study are located upstairs. This area has an open balcony with the most breathtaking sunset views.
Make an appointment to see us.
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