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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
In the middle of the Hennopsriver Valley. It takes 30 minutes to drive to the city and 20 minutes to get to Gransa Airport.
A big manor house with five king-size bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and high-end finishes and rugs. There are two private flats (one with a kitchen) and two more rooms, all with air conditioning and satellite TV antennas. The balconies have beautiful views of the Skurweberg Mountain Range.
Very well-equipped, high-end living rooms with chandeliers and a marble stairs that leads to the upper levels of the house. Each room has its own wine closet and a large kitchen for cooking.
Patio with a roof that looks out over the pool, koi pond, mountains, and lush grass.
The location is excellent and perfect for meetings or small, private weddings. There is a bigger spot and a smaller one with a big patio and a braai built right in.
Two yurts in a quiet area for a spar facility.
Well-kept grounds with beautiful water features, secret passages, and bridges.
There is a restaurant building with decks that look out over the Hennops River and a separate kitchen as well as golf cart lanes. The building next door can be used as overflow space for bigger parties.
The grounds should be big enough to fit big tents. Beautiful front door with a guard house and a fence all around. The Hennops River runs along the bottom of the land.
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