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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
This relaxing two-bedroom getaway is in one of the most sought-after spots on the Atlantic coast, right next to Bakoven's two unique cove-like beaches and with a beautiful view of Table Mountain in the background.
It's in a great spot for people who like to take walks to either Clifton or The Camps Bay Strip, which is known for its beautiful sunsets, many shops, bars, and restaurants, and something for everyone.
The property has private, safe parking for two cars, which is very helpful during the holidays, and it's only a few minutes' walk to the nearby coffee shop and restaurant.
The house has fiber Internet and is connected to ADT Security for guarded response. It has everything you need to cook your own meals. You can start right away for two, three, or six months OR daily rates: high season: R6,500 from December to January.
Mid season : R 5,500 Feb - March
R4,500 April
Winter: R 3,500 - May - October
**** RATES - to negotiate depending on length of stay
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