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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Welcome to a Plot & Plan development in the Northern Suburbs that offers a life of luxury, spaciousness, and comfort. This is an incredible opportunity. Explore the spirit of contemporary living in this amazing home.With an enormous 903 square meters, your domain provides an abundance of space for outdoor activities, planting, and building your own private sanctuary.The 299 square meter, roomy home is designed to make the most of your living space. Every square inch is a demonstration of style and functionality.There is enough space for the entire family or to host visitors in the four roomy bedrooms. Your retreats are made with style and comfort in mind. Work from home or study quietly in your own study—a flexible area that may be customized to meet your specific requirements. Savor the open concept design of the kitchen, living room, and dining area. Daily chores are made simpler by the well-equipped scullery, which also helps to maintain the main kitchen space tidy and orderly. Security and convenience are crucial. Your valuables and cars are kept safe and secure in the double garage.These areas are intended for family get-togethers and entertainment.Located in the highly sought-after Northern Suburbs, this property offers convenient access to parks, schools, retail malls, and other facilities. In a busy city, your new house will be a peaceful haven. Make this your home today by calling to arrange a viewing!
Eto reklama nedvizhimosti, opublikovannaya i podderzhivayemaya Alexander Swart Property Group i ne yavlyayetsya obyazatel'noy informatsiyey dlya etogo svoystva. Khotya my trebuyem ot reklamodateley predostavleniya tochnoy informatsii, my mozhem publikovat' eti reklamnyye ob"yavleniya tol'ko dobrosovestno i ne proveryali kakiye-libo pretenzii ili utverzhdeniya ili ne proveryali reklamiruyemyye ob"yekty, mesta ili predlozheniya. Primemasters ne vladeyet, ne kontroliruyet i ne neset otvetstvennosti za nedvizhimost', oborudovaniye, kontent sayta, produkty ili uslugi, predostavlyayemyye ili reklamiruyemyye tret'imi litsami, i ne dayet nikakikh garantiy ili zayavleniy otnositel'no tochnosti, polnoty, zakonnosti, proizvoditel'nosti ili prigodnosti lyubogo iz vyshe. Poetomu my ne nesem otvetstvennosti za doveriye, okazannoye nam chitatelyami ili litsami, kotorym byla predostavlena takaya informatsiya. Vy dolzhny provesti sobstvennoye issledovaniye i poluchit' nezavisimyy professional'nyy sovet, prezhde chem prinimat' kakoye-libo resheniye o pokupke, arende ili investirovanii v nedvizhimost'.