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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Perfect spacious family home for the entertaining family with extra income potential, Spacious interiors and modern amenities, with a breathtaking view of the Outeniqua Mountains.
Ready to move in.The house is styled in three parts, with a big entertainment area in the middle, with an inside fireplace, and leading out to the stoep area with a braai area.
On the sides of the house, you'll find two separate living areas, each with its own entrance and stoep area for privacy. The rooms of these areas are located upstairs, each with a full bathroom and secluded lounge.
Kraaibosch Manor is a very popular security estate, situated within walking distance to the Garden Route Mall, as well as linking with quick access to the N2 leading to the George Airport and/or other surrounding towns.
Call to schedule a viewing!
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