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dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
This is not your average new development as this will be the last time that one will see plots of this proportion going to market in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town.The views from Vredenheim Close in Haasendal are breathtakingly stunning.In total we will have 42 plot and plan opportunities in Vredenheim Close. Plot size ranges from 814 squares to 1123 squares and houses from 185 squares to 294 squares.Civils have started and all internal roads should be done by next year March when we can start construction of the houses.Estimated occupation date is September 2023.No transfer cost or transfer duty payable. That alone is a saving of approximately R300 000.R50 000 deposit is payable on signature of contract.Space to live. Space to relax. Space to entertain. Space to breath. Space to be.
Eto reklama nedvizhimosti, opublikovannaya i podderzhivayemaya Alexander Swart Property Group i ne yavlyayetsya obyazatel'noy informatsiyey dlya etogo svoystva. Khotya my trebuyem ot reklamodateley predostavleniya tochnoy informatsii, my mozhem publikovat' eti reklamnyye ob"yavleniya tol'ko dobrosovestno i ne proveryali kakiye-libo pretenzii ili utverzhdeniya ili ne proveryali reklamiruyemyye ob"yekty, mesta ili predlozheniya. Primemasters ne vladeyet, ne kontroliruyet i ne neset otvetstvennosti za nedvizhimost', oborudovaniye, kontent sayta, produkty ili uslugi, predostavlyayemyye ili reklamiruyemyye tret'imi litsami, i ne dayet nikakikh garantiy ili zayavleniy otnositel'no tochnosti, polnoty, zakonnosti, proizvoditel'nosti ili prigodnosti lyubogo iz vyshe. Poetomu my ne nesem otvetstvennosti za doveriye, okazannoye nam chitatelyami ili litsami, kotorym byla predostavlena takaya informatsiya. Vy dolzhny provesti sobstvennoye issledovaniye i poluchit' nezavisimyy professional'nyy sovet, prezhde chem prinimat' kakoye-libo resheniye o pokupke, arende ili investirovanii v nedvizhimost'.