Zaregistrirovat'sya kak broker
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
dlya reklamy sobstvennogo portfolio
Situated in Bryanston East on a highly sought-after gated access road, this beautiful young Georgian mansion is sure to impress.
There is a guard house at the entrance, and a large motor court with nine garages is accessible via the driveway. A grand marble staircase and a double-volume entryway lead to six roomy reception areas that open up to a covered terrace for the entertainers.
The terrace faces the pool and an acre of well-established vegetation. Five more double bedrooms with gorgeous baths in addition to the spacious main bedroom with an en suite bathroom. The large social gourmet kitchen is the center of the house. There's a scullery in another catering kitchen.
Additional features include a fitted gentleman's study, PJ lounge, gym, and custom wine cellar.
Two staff rooms.
Double volume entrance
5 Double size bedrooms / 6 indulgent bathrooms
Double luxury staff accommodation
6 Receptions
Bespoke wine cellar
Gourmet social kitchen
2nd Catering kitchen/scullery
Gentleman's study with a private entrance
2nd Study
PJ lounge
9 Garages
Feature pool
Sweeping marble staircase
Dedicated Guard house
Within an access-controlled avenue
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