floor 2700 m2
car spaces 20 mesta dlya mashin
DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN STIKLAND FOR SALE Premium Distribution Center located in Cecil Morgan Way in the sought after industrial node of Stikland, Cape Town. The building offers excellent signage opportunity and easy access to the R300 with newly built on and off ramps to and from BottelaryRoad. The building comprises of quality office components and multiple roller shutter doors leading to the warehouse. The warehouse offers good amount of power, height and steel racking. Undercover loading areas and easy vehicle access around the building due to the large paved yard available and future expansion. A backup generator is available on site as well as multiple bays for charging of forklifts and 2 x 380 000 litre water tanks.
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God Postroyki:




7530 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

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Ofitsial'noye Uvedomleniye