floor 8970 m2
OFFICE FOR SALE, SANDTON US$975 per sqm, Excluding VAT Fantastic Investment opportunity For Sale in the heart of Sandton. This building has fantastic main road exposure as well offering amazing views of the Sandton Skyline. The building is located on the Gautrain bus route and other forms of public transport. It is close proximity to Sandton City.
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God Postroyki:




2031 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

Sandton is home to the wealthiest square mile on the entire African continent. In 1969 it was formerly an independent town, however, today it falls within the mandate of the Johannesburg Municipality within the Gauteng province. The name is derived from two of the suburban areas within close proximity to each other, Sandown and Bryanston.

Eto reklama nedvizhimosti, opublikovannaya i podderzhivayemaya Office Place i ne yavlyayetsya obyazatel'noy informatsiyey dlya etogo svoystva. Khotya my trebuyem ot reklamodateley predostavleniya tochnoy informatsii, my mozhem publikovat' eti reklamnyye ob"yavleniya tol'ko dobrosovestno i ne proveryali kakiye-libo pretenzii ili utverzhdeniya ili ne proveryali reklamiruyemyye ob"yekty, mesta ili predlozheniya. Primemasters ne vladeyet, ne kontroliruyet i ne neset otvetstvennosti za nedvizhimost', oborudovaniye, kontent sayta, produkty ili uslugi, predostavlyayemyye ili reklamiruyemyye tret'imi litsami, i ne dayet nikakikh garantiy ili zayavleniy otnositel'no tochnosti, polnoty, zakonnosti, proizvoditel'nosti ili prigodnosti lyubogo iz vyshe. Poetomu my ne nesem otvetstvennosti za doveriye, okazannoye nam chitatelyami ili litsami, kotorym byla predostavlena ​​takaya informatsiya. Vy dolzhny provesti sobstvennoye issledovaniye i poluchit' nezavisimyy professional'nyy sovet, prezhde chem prinimat' kakoye-libo resheniye o pokupke, arende ili investirovanii v nedvizhimost'.

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