floor 4026 m2
car spaces 201 mesta dlya mashin
ENTIRE TOP FLOOR PENTHOUSE OFFICE This unique opportunity will allow for one large single tenant to purchase the entire top floor of this building. The unit comes with a large entertainment terrace that will boast an exquisite view of Sandton and surroundings. This space will be brightly lit with natural light as there are large windows and atriums proposed in the new design. It will also come with its own bathrooms and ample parking. A generous tenant installation will be given to finish and customize the space to your businesses personalized requirements. This development is known previously as Discovery Head Office that is now being re-developed into sectional title A-Grade offices that will be ready for occupation middle 2018. The existing building will be refurbished, sectionalised and made available for purchase or lease in pocket sizes ranging from 35m2 to entire floorplates of 4000m2. Situated on the corner of Fredman Drive and West Street in the heart of Sandton, it is easily accessible to and from the major highways and close to public transport like the Gautrain.16 FREDMAN offers prime, A-grade office space - fitted with elegant interior finishes - tailored to suit all your business needs.
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God Postroyki:




2031 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

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