floor 624 m2
FOR SALE THE BROMWELL BUILDING IN WOODSTOCK The Bromwell comprises two irregular shaped contiguous erven located on the corner of Albert Street and Dublin Street in Woodstock, Cape Town. The building is located between the docks of Table Bay and the lower slopes of Devil's Peak, about 1 kilometre east of Cape Town City Centre and adjacent to the Woodstock Brewery redevelopment as well as in close proximity to the well-known Biscuit Mill Market which is home to two prestigious restaurants. The property is improved with an attractive iconic double storey heritage building which was previously utilized as a restaurant and art gallery. It is currently unoccupied and unencumbered by a lease. Internally, the building is finished to a good level of specification having plastered and painted walls, wooden tiled and laminated flooring, boarded ceilings (exposed trusses at 1st floor) with spot and drop lighting (featuring several decorative chandeliers).
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God Postroyki:




7925 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

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