floor 359 m2
4 STAR BOUTIQUE HOTEL The Grand Old Lady of De Waterkant | Georgian style design | 9 en-suite bedrooms and a care taker room | concept plans for another 4 rooms | splash pool | outside patio area | onsite consumption liquor license. In the heart of the historical De Waterkant Village, is De Waterkant House, elegant and discreet, with a relaxed European feel. This beautifully restored 9 - roomed, Cape Georgian Manor House, with terrace and pool, overlooks the village and accessible Table Bay harbour. De Waterkant House is centrally located, minutes from the Cape Quarter Shopping Centre, restaurants, bars and fashionable nightspots. With the emphasis on good living, guests can stroll down into the village where they can enjoy the atmosphere of the neighbourhood, indulge in a sweet treat or simply read the daily paper. Zoning: General residential - Guest House
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God Postroyki:




8001 Western Cape Cape Town South Africa

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