Jardine's Lookout Jardine's Lookout HK Pokazat' kartu


USD 8 100.00 Info
Original price: 8100.00 USD
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Jardine's Lookout Hong Kong Island Jardine's Lookout Hong Kong

Jardine's Lookout is a mountain and a residential area on the Hong Kong Island in Hong Kong. It is located Southeast of the Wan Chai district and South of the Tai Hang area, at an altitude of about 433 metres. Due to its scenic view and low population density, it has been considered an upper-class neighbourhood in Hong Kong; residences situated there are amongst the most expensive of Hong Kong, and the population mainly consists of highly placed expatriates, government officials and successful businesspeople. In addition, it is also home to numerous Hong Kong socialites, such as Joey Yung. It is also known as the Mid-Levels East. The area is a localised gated community with large detached houses in private lots and more moderate townhouses. Low-rise and high-rise apartments make up the rest of the community. In 2011, the area had a population of 15,533. This community is conveniently linked with public transportation and well-equipped with facilities. Jardine's Lookout is only a 10-minute drive to Central and 5 to Causeway Bay, where the Cross Harbor Tunnel is located, making travel to the Kowloon side easy.

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