floor 5789 m2
PRIME AAA WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES IN LINBRO PARK Linbro Park with close access to the North and East and South just of the N3 This unit is in the sort after Security Park with many additional operational advantages ideal for logistics and warehousing operations. Warehouse size 3827 sqm Total office size of 1962 sqm The unit has offices with separate receptions if required. The two office units are located in front and back of the warehouse. AAA building with extras: Fully integrated sprinkler system State of the art alarm system Bio Metric control access points 15m to the eaves Natural light panels in the warehouse Controlled air conditioning throughout the building Separate guard house and access control Basement parking and other parking Separate work shop for struck Super link turning available 6 receiving bays Dock levelers Two safes Boardrooms Two kitchens Wheel chair access
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God Postroyki:




2090 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

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