floor 1500 m2
- New to be built 1.500m² warehouse and office under construction - 1,239sm of free warehouse - 175m² office and facilities on the first floor - 86m² of showroom/office and facilities - 2,475m² of the total surface area of the broad front plot - Modern concrete tilting panel construction - Minimal slope of the terrain to create a safe loading area - Access to the site via a double driveway - Sales/rental options available - Call now to discuss your requirements This property is located in Empire Industrial Estate, the largest industrial estate on the Gold Coast that is part of the Yatala Enterprise Area. Ideally located between the two largest consumer markets of Brisbane and the Gold Coast with direct access from the M1 via exit 38 and exit 41 in both northern and southern directions. Empire Industrial Estate will contribute more than a billion dollars to the economy of the Gold Coast and create thousands of jobs for the surrounding areas. *Please note the ranking is subject to change and pricing is subject to design.
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God Postroyki:




4207 Aliciajay Circuit Queensland Luscombe 7 Australia

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