Elandsfontein AH ZA Show map


USD 9 522 162.00 Info
Original price: 9522162.00 USD
Tseny, ukazannyye zdes', osnovany na obmennykh kursakh. Obmennyye kursy osnovany na razlichnykh obshchedostupnykh istochnikakh, prednaznacheny tol'ko dlya informatsionnykh tseley i ne schitayutsya pravil'nymi.
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floor 24685 m2
MASSIVE PROPERTY TO LET / FOR SALE IN ELANDSFONETIN A grade facility available either to let at R48/sqm or can be purchased for R135 million excluding VAT. This incredible property has all the bells and whistles, perfect for a head quarters. The warehouse / factory measures 17,439sqm and the office component as well as the storage and ablution block is 7,246.90sqm. The building offers three phase electrical power supply and the pristine offices are fully air-conditioned. The property allows for fantastic access via two different roads and there is an excellent fire safety system in place i.e. fire extinguisher everywhere and easily accessible, fire escapes, well ventilated and a full sprinkler system installed. This premises is highly secure and is located only two minutes away from the highway and just 12 minutes away from OR Tambo International airport.
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Gauteng Elandsfontein AH South Africa

Elandsfontein A H, Kempton Park Kempton Park at a glance Spartan Spartan is a formidable industrial area situated within the popular Johannesburg suburb of Kempton Park. Which has been a part of the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality since 2000. Kempton Park was originally recognized in 1903 when a wealthy farmer by the name of Karl Wolff decided that he would sub-divide a percentage of his Zuurfontein farm into residential areas, this area would be named Kempton and later Kempton Park and by 1952 the then Jan Smuts airport would be built on land nearby, which today is known as the OR Tambo International airport, which is within close proximity to both Kempton Park and Spartan. Industrial Hotspots Spartan is home to various nodes of industry and this is also largely due to its proximity to the OR Tambo International airport. Some of the main types of industry which operate out of Kempton Park include industrial valve and engineering supplies, fencing companies, auto industrial parts.


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