Pretoria ZA Show map


USD 2 806 462.00 Info
Original price: 2806462.00 USD
Tseny, ukazannyye zdes', osnovany na obmennykh kursakh. Obmennyye kursy osnovany na razlichnykh obshchedostupnykh istochnikakh, prednaznacheny tol'ko dlya informatsionnykh tseley i ne schitayutsya pravil'nymi.
Fakticheskiye stavki vashego banka, kompanii-emitenta kreditnykh kart ili drugogo uchrezhdeniya mogut otlichat'sya. Vazhnaya dopolnitel'naya informatsiya.
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floor 1242 m2
floors 1 etazhi
land area 3366 m2
car spaces 9 mesta dlya mashin

This commercial building is right in the middle of Pretoria's Old East and would be great for any business that wants to grow. The land is close to major shopping malls and other businesses in the area. Highways like the N1 close make it easy to get there.

This three-story business building is made up of 3,366 square meters and is divided into the following rooms:

- The ground floor has a big entrance hall with tiled floors, an open plan waiting area with 17 closed office suites, 3 large offices, a kitchen, and 2 sets of bathrooms.

- The first floor has a boardroom, a kitchen, two sets of bathrooms, a large balcony, and two open-plan work areas. There are also 12 closed office components and a big open office suite that can fit several people.

On the second floor, there are 10 office units, a big open-plan workstation, and a boardroom with its own kitchen and two sets of bathrooms.

Other features include:

A server room with a 43 square meter storage unit,

Air conditioning units,

Fibre internet connectivity

Elevator access making it wheelchair friendly.

24-Hour security

Main road exposure and exceptional signage opportunities

A backup power supply

Access control into the facility

Secure and basement parking and AA-Grade.

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0181 Gauteng Pretoria South Africa


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