floor 4651 m2
NEW DEVELOPMENT - WATERFALL DISTRIBUTION CAMPUS, MIDRAND Attractive warehousing and distribution/ light industrial site with good exposure to the K101 (Old Pretoria Rd) and Allandale. Total GLA 4 651sqm Warehouse 3 953sqm Office 698sqm Rates & Taxes US$0.6 Operating Costs US$0.2/sqm There is an option to rent available Waterfall is a signature mixed-use development located in Gauteng, South Africa's commercial centre. LOCALITY The strategic positioning of this flagship precinct is changing the landscape of Gauteng. Waterfall spans land on both sides of the N1 highway and is defined by excellent accessibility and visibility. Linked by multiple access roads, pedestrian walkways and various modes of public transport, integrated mobility is a reality. SAFETY Everything from 24-hour patrolled security, CCTV cameras and panic buttons every 200 metres to biometric access control and street lighting on back-up power offers peace of mind. SUSTAINABILITY A green philosophy is embedded in a total holistic urban design. Sustainable building practices ensure every step of Waterfall's development is efficient, cost-effective and sustainable. Includes energy and water efficiency and waste management Continuity of utility supply through interruptions of service delivery Includes back-up power for a range of realistic scenarios and water/waste continuity plans VITALITY Designed as a walkable, runnable, bikeable city, Waterfall promotes safe movement and healthy living. Interactive public spaces encourage a sense of community. Easily accessible Multiple access roads Various modes of public transport, including Gautrain with a dedicated Gautrain bus Single taxi trip between Waterfall City and Greater Tembisa, Midrand, Alexandra, Randburg & JHB CBD Blue Chip neighbours who include BMW, Dischem, Digistics, Dimension Data, etc.
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Gauteng Midrand South Africa

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