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From its gentle hilltop location, Westhill offers stunning panoramic views of the Knysna Estuary, which flows gently through the famous Knysna Heads and out into the vast Indian Ocean.The original house at 6 Westhill was built in 1926. In 2015, the old house was carefully fixed up and added on to on the north and west. The house is well-kept inside and out, with careful attention to detail visible everywhere.There are five reception rooms, six bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, a big kitchen and utility room, a purpose-built office with fiber connectivity, and a lot of storage space. There is a big parking lot and two garages. Outside, there is a pool with fresh water, and the yard is well-kept and has native plants, an irrigation system, and three water tanks that hold a total of 10,000 liters of water. The solar panels run the pool pump and heat water for the two geysers. There are electronic gates, CCTV cameras, and alarm sensors all over the land for safety. Westhill is near good schools, and Oakhill Private School is only a short walk away. Also, you can walk into town in ten minutes or to the Waterfront in fifteen.There are lots of fun things to do on land and water in Knysna, which is surrounded by miles of beaches, rivers, and lakes that make up its stunning natural scenery. Knysna is naturally beautiful. It has a long past, a proud cultural heritage, and a lively, modern vibe. Knysna is a great place to live, work, or take a vacation because it has something for everyone. Make this your home today by calling to arrange a viewing!
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