152 Katherine Street Sandton ZA Show map


USD 5 753.93 Info
Original price: 5753.93 USD
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floor 972 m2
floors 3 Vloeren
land area 2500 m2
car spaces 9 Parkeerplaatsen

The on and off ramps for the M1 are easy to get to from Strathavon 11. It is also close to the crossing of Katherine Street and Grayston Drive. It is easy to get to the park by bus or train because it is near the Gautrain and Rea Vaya lines. Strathavon 11 is a modern, well-kept office park with two separate buildings that are rented by different companies. It is part of the Pinmill Farm Office Park and can be reached from Katherine Street.

There are grounds around the buildings, and they have a view of the Sand River and Innesfree Park. The land has fiber connectivity, full backup water to the park, and security access 24 hours a day. It's easy to park, with lots of open, shady, and underground spaces. The buildings are accessible to people in wheelchairs, and there are lifts on every floor. A short drive away are a number of useful places, such as Grayston Shopping Centre and Atholl Square, both of which have many shops and restaurants to choose from. A Virgin Active gym is just up the road, and there are also a number of restaurants close to the park.

This empty space on the second floor is 972m2. It already has a welcome area, two wet kitchenettes with wooden floors (one with a pause area attached), an open floor plan, cellular offices separated by glass walls, meeting/executive offices, and balconies that can only be used by those who are interested. A lot of natural light and air flow can come into the room through the big windows that open outward.

Contact us for a viewing.

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2148 Katherine Street Gauteng Sandton 152 South Africa

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