floor 1757 m2
car spaces 74 Parkeerplaatsen
NEW DEVELOPMENT-PENTHOUSE OFFICE Illovo Point offers elegant and timeless modernist architecture rising above the high aesthetic standards already set in this affluent suburb. The 16 storey building has been designed to maximise the quality of work-life comfort and productivity of its occupants. Optimum light levels and fresh air flows have been carefully considered. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served at a choice of quality restaurants including Mythos and an upmarket coffee shop which will create an interactive streetscape on the ground floor. The top floor will house a Body Corporate owned entertainment area for the use of the building's occupants. Illovo Point is ideally located on a ridge between the Sandton and Rosebank business districts and due to its prime positioning stands several storeys higher than Sandton and offers unrivaled views and skyline supremacy. Easy access to Rivonia Road, Oxford Road and other arterial routes offer excellent accessibility from all parts of the greater Sandton area without the traffic congestion of Sandton. The Illovo Point design caters for ample parking at a ratio of over 5 bays per 100m2 of the usable area coupled with generous basement storerooms. All offices have spectacular views. Special consideration has been given to ensuring the building's green design is environmentally friendly. Extensive organic planting elements have been incorporated throughout the building, creating a naturally beautiful environment for all occupants and visitors. Energy efficient lighting, light motion sensors, and economic water usage and heating solutions ensure the building will be cost-effective to operate. An automatic standby generator and back-up water supply will safeguard business continuity. The building embraces a holistic approach to wellness, which extends to the jogging showers, change rooms and bicycle racks provided, encouraging occupants to embrace a more active approach to work life. Illovo Point is the ideal home an exclusive company deserves and we are pleased to release the remaining available office suites to the market. This office is situated on level 15 one floor below the exquisite rooftop venue. A key feature of this premium space is a private 185m2 balcony that will highlight the show-stopping views.
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2196 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

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