floor 15226 m2
car spaces 634 Parkeerplaatsen
ENTIRE BUILDING FOR SALE This building is located in the centre of the Sandton CBD, with close proximity to freeway access routes. Access to world class amenities such as hotels, shopping centres, etc. is within walking distance. The Gautrain station is in close proximity to the property. The Gautrain bus stops adjacent to the property. Sandton has been named the financial and premier business centre of Johannesburg as well as the financial hub of Africa, with Nedbank, RMB, and the JSE having their head offices situated within Sandton. This prestigious development promises to not only enhance the brand awareness of its tenants but also to secure a prominent corporate presence in Africa's most exclusive business node This unique opportunity will allow for a large single tenant to purchase the entire building. This building is A Grade and has a stunning atrium in the center with a statement spiral staircase emphasizing the grand architecture. Each floor is open plan allowing ones imagination to run wild while conceptualizing the space planning. The basement has ample parking and the infrastructure is in place for all ones security requirements. There is also the possibility of leasing pockets of space in the building.
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2031 Gauteng Sandton South Africa

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